Cracking Network Passwords (Hydra)
Often you may wish to obtain access
to a service or password protected area on a network. Examples of this may be
trying to log into a ssh service, RDP, http-get (i.e. what your router pops up
with), etc. There a multitude of tools that will allow you to perform these
password attacks, hydra, medusa and ncrack are popular examples. Some tools may
cope with certain protocols better than others, but hydra has become a staple
tool in my arsenal. You have the choice of nominating a single host name, then
cycling through a password list; nominating a username list and testing a
password, or a combination of both username lists and password lists.
Basic Syntax
hydra -l/-L <user name /
user list> -p/-P <password
/ password list> <protocol://hostname>
Break Down
-l/-L : Only one of these is needed.
Little l is for nominating a single username, capital is for a username list
-p/-P : Only one of these is needed again.
Little p for a single password, capital p for a password list.
<protocol://hostname> : This
specifies the target and protocol. For example cracking ssh on
would be ssh://, while ftp on would be
hydra -l bob -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt ssh:// # Cycle
through a wordlist trying to log in as bob over ssh on
hydra -L usernames.txt -p password http-get / -s 80 # Cycle
through a list of usernames and try and log into the router at with the password 'password'
Advanced Reading
Hydra can do a lot more than
mentioned here. Ton’s more protocols are also supported (although some like RDP
aren’t that great to try and brute force). Options like the ‘C’ flag allow you
to use username:password combinations. https-post protocols allows you to
target forms embedded in websites, etc.